My Favourite Things...

  • Going for a ride in the car, doesn't, matter where we go, just let me in the car.  sometimes I even like to just sit in the car in the garage for hours.  I just REALLY LOVE the car.  I'm sure you bought it just for me.
  • Cookies.  Cookies can be biscuits, carrots, nuts, bits of left overs, but I really love the cookies.
  • Pushing my head around on the grass or snow.  If I can do it in something stinky all the better.
  • Sitting on a high place and watching everyone.  Don't try to touch me, and don't try to get me to go onto the ground with the minions.  I like to look from above, or a distance if that's my only option. 
  • Sleeping on the bed.  Pretty clear...
  • Laying on Dad's mat in front of the fire, especially when he wants to be there.  I like to appear at the last second and make myself comfy. 
  • Other peoples houses, especially Suzanne's.
  • Walks where I can get into some water, or even better, something really stinky.
  • Suzanne's farm, particularly the horse pasture when there is some good horse manure to roll in.  I know my mom loves the smell of me when I'm freshly adorned in horse manure!
  • Sniffing things.  What can I say, it's just so much fun to sniff stuff. 
  • Austrailia.  This is what my Mom and Dad call the den they made for me under what they call the 'deck'.  Australia is dark and sort of cool, and mildly smelly, a bit dank, and I can dig out nests for myself there.
  • My brother.  I like to boss him, then ignore him.  It's my job to chew on him every day, and his job to sass me, we have an understanding on this.
  • I thnk I've mentioned the car, but I like it so much it's worth listing twice.  I REALLY like the car.
  • Sniffing the groceries as Mom unpacks them.  I do this because I think it's important for me to give my stamp of approval on the purchases since I can't go into the store with her.  To her credit she tried to take me when I was a puppy but they turned us away at the door.  I think this is one of the things that is wrong in human society, if us dogs were allowed in all of the stores the world would be a better place.  I don't like those purple bins she uses though, they grab my collar and scare me, but let's not talk about that please...
  • Hanging out in the kitchen while dinner is being cooked.  Good stuff often drops to the floor.  It's tough being 2 feet tall.
  • Bugging Dad for some toasted nuts.  It may convince him to bring out a carrot treat if I'm persistent.
  • Cuddling up in bed at night with Mom.  I pretend like I don't like it but I totally love it when she cuddles me at night, sometimes I almost sleep the whole night in her arms - but I often wake up too hot.  I've got all of this fur after all.
  • Mornings.  Hellooo day.  Welcome.  It's great to be alive.  I drive my Mom crazy but I think she finally got the hang of it thanks to me.


Abbey never wasted a moment's thought on whether she should go and explore a trail branching off the main track we were on, she went for it.  No matter if we had to stop and wait for her; if she deemed a path needed exploring by god she was going to explore it., as if saying 'life is too short not to experience it all', and 'you should do this too'!

In hindsight it is more than a little odd that she seemed to seize every opportunity and maximize the joy she could get from it.  Last week while walking in the Weasel Head I decided to go down one of the tracks she always made a beeline for, more than once she dropped out of sight on her way to the wetlands nestled below.  Chase and I hoofed it down to the marshy flats and on the way I paid homage to my girl,  'This one is for you Ab".

From Liz, Bo and Logan...

 "Say not in grief that she is no more, but live each day in thankfulness that she was"

Words of Wisdom....

Never waste a moment wishing you were somewhere other than where you are.